To get in touch fill out the form or scroll down to find contact details for key people in the Smartlift team.
Our dedicated service team is your contact for support when there is a need for service. We are ready to assist with everything – from troubleshooting and technical support to identifying spare parts and technical documentation.
Of course, we also offer technical guidance and support for our special solutions. Whatever the need, we are here to ensure that your Smartlift is always ready for the next task.
Fast delivery of spare parts
If you need a wear part for your glass lifter, we guarantee fast delivery of original spare parts. We pack and send all spare parts on the same day we receive the order because we know that uptime and safe operation are crucial.
Ordering spare parts is easy. A quick call to us, and the package is on its way.
If you are unsure about anything, please reach out to us. We look forward to assisting you.

Customer service

Troubleshooting and technical support, technical documentation.

Order processing, inquiries about spare parts.

Order processing, shipping, questions regarding invoicing.
The Smartlift team

In order to constantly improve, we greatly appreciate feedback from customers, partners and users. It can be the machine, functionality, documentation, or something else. It can also be suggestions for improving our service and our organization.
To collect all feedback in one place, we would like to ask you to use this email address: feedback@smartlift.com
Only a few people have access to the mailbox, and all emails are handled confidentially.
We really appreciate you taking the time to make us better together.
Best regards,
Smartlift Management